7 Things You Can Do Today to Boost Sales
Today I want to share with representatives a few things I think would be great to boost sales.
1. If you are on facebook, make sure you've included information in your profile about your Avon business. I notice from looking at other representatives facebook pages that there's nothing there that indicates that the person is an Avon rep.
2. Make sure you talk with someone today even if it's only one person about your Avon business. I enjoy the power of three but one is better than none.
3. Pass out three samples today! Try stapling your business card on the back of the sample.
4. Wear your Avon t-shirt or carry an Avon tote bag in the grocery store. Someone is bound to ask you if you sell Avon.
5. Pass out a few brochures today to new faces. If you are a little shy kick the shy habit by thinking about how you want your business to grow.
6. Think about everyone you know that works in an office setting and ask them if they can put brochures in their break room for you.
7. If you have a downline, call them up and let them know that you are just calling to see how they are doing. If they have any concerns they will let you know.
Send out 3 emails to frequent clients thanking them for their business!
*If you have a facebook page for your business invite three new people to like your page. This way when you update your page, they will see new post.
(Interested in this Avon tote bag, visit http://ebay.to/2c27BdK. Free shipping until September 3. $14.99 - 160 sold. (10 available)
To Learn About How to Market Your Avon Business Visit:
If you are someone that wants to start Avon visit:
www.startavon.com - make sure you use my reference code: vsheffield
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Victoria Sheffield - Leadership Representative
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