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Beginning Basics



Now that you've started your Avon business the first thing you need to do is get your brochures out as fast as possible because they expire. Every two weeks Avon begins a new campaign which means that new brochures will be available. The first thing to do is keep one of the brochures for yourself and label it my brochure. The next thing the new representative will need to do is think about friends and family members that may purchase products. Now unless these people live near you, I would not spend too much time selling to people that are not near you. Delivering Avon orders can take away from profits because of the cost of gas. If there are people that live in another state or anywhere in the USA I suggest sending them the URL to your new Avon Website so that they can make purchases. Your site is totally free. If they have any questions, they can always give you a call. You can even send them thankyou cards by email after they make a purchase. The Avon website allows reps to personalize emails. 


Note: A piece of advice


Try not to sell Avon to people that are not reliable because they can hurt your credit with Avon by not paying for orders. One rule of thumb - I always ask for a 50% deposit on all orders over $20.00. Any orders that people decide for what ever reason they do not want, I do not send them back to Avon unless the order is huge because the rep will be responsible for the shipping fees. What I usually do is keep small orders for stock and resale the orders later. This can be done at vendor tables, parties, in gift baskets, and I always check my stock when ever people place an order to see if I already have what they need in stock. 


Your starter kit if you purchased the $25 kit will only get you started. I do not recommend if a rep wants to make any real money selling Avon to purchase 10 or even 20 brochures. During Each campaign it will be the responsibility of the rep to purchase new brochures. Please do not be afraid to make the small investment. I will be honest, purchasing a few brochures is really a waste of money because 100 brochures will only cost you $20.00. The more you purchase, the less you pay. Now back to how to get rid of those brochures. You will need to give anyone you come in contact with a brochure. Please read this blog post to learn more about places where you can pass out your brochures.


Try not to be shy about walking up to a total stranger and ask them if they would like a brochure. I do not knock on doors because of safety issues but if you know your neighbors well then it may be perfectly fine.


After the brochures are out, its pretty simple, you wait for people to call and place an order. You should always have two copies of their order in two different places just in case you misplace their original order. I will share with reps on the next blog post how to properly take an Avon order.


To learn "How to Be a Successful Avon Lady" Read my 

Hubpages Article




The Importance of Establishing a High Credit Rating With Avon



As time evolves Avon changes for the better. Today if you are a new rep and you joined Avon with a low credit rating, Avon requires you to pay for your order before they send you the order. This doesn't make some happy but Avon has to make sure they receive payment for their orders. A person with a low credit rating to start like this can still be successful. In fact there are other cosmetic companies that require clients to pay before their orders are back and they do just fine. 


Now if you are a new representative that has an ok credit score, this just means that you have the option to collect money before or after the order gets to you. Your credit limit could be low or high. The ultimate goal is to raise your credit score so that you can order as many products as you want. Why is this important?? This is important because, the more products you sell, the more money you make. How do you raise your score?? You raise your score by placing an order EVERY campaign. You raise your score by paying your order on time. Another goal is to raise the amount of your order each campaign. This varies from person to person. If there is ever a campaign that no one has placed any orders, I suggest ordering a bottle of deodorant. This will mean that you would have to pay the shipping on that bottle of deodorant but think long term. Your ultimate goal is to climb the ladder of success with Avon. (keep in mind when placing orders that Avon charges extra for how many people that you say placed an order with you.) If there are small orders, I suggest merging your orders into one or smaller orders when the site ask how many orders were placed. This will save you some money. If you follow my league and of course add your own twist then you too will be successful.


Please do not feel that it is too soon to tell others about your opportunity. I always let people know that I work from home. Most people will say something like oh yeah, what do you do from home? The best way to recruit others is to show them that you are successful. Well that is all for now. In the next training session, I will share more tips on how to start building your own.



Makeup Marketing Online Victoria Sheffield/Beauty Advisor/Blogger


When I first started my cosmetics business 14 years ago, we did not have the world wide web. About five years ago I decided to market my business online to see if this was something that would be beneficial for my business. The first thing I needed to know was what exactly is marketing. I knew that most of this term meant how I should go about getting the word about about my business. According to Wikipedia, Marketing is communicating the value of a product, service or brand to customers, for the purpose of promoting or selling that product, service, or brand. The main purpose is to increase sales of the product and profits of the company. Marketing acts a support system to the sales team by propagating the message and information to the target audience. Marketing techniques include choosing target markets through market analysis and market segmentation, as well as understanding consumer behavior and advertising a product's value to the customer. To learn more about marketing visit Wikipedia @


Posting links on social media and ads are great but how effective are your ads or post? Have you ever thought about this? How are you using targeted marketing to convince potential clients that what you have to offer will be beneficial to them? How do you use social media to execute this? So lets get right into it. Makeup Marketing Online takes time and dedication. I suggest engaging on social platforms at least three days a week for an hour a day. 


Top Social Media Platforms


Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linked-In, Instagram, Youtube


If you are a person not on social media, it would be my advice to join these social media platforms to market your business. Even if you only join facebook and Twitter, they are a great asset to your business. 


Using Facebook to Market Your Business


Facebook offers free pages for business owners. So far I have created a page for my business and at least once a week, I post the link to my site on my personal wall and ask people to like my page. Another thing I do is join the like 4 like pages on facebook. Posting a link to my page and liking others at the same time shows people that I sell Avon and gives them an opportunity to visit my page. Making sure that my page is updated with new products, specials, & beauty news make it more marketable.


Using Targeted Marketing


There are two ways to use targeted marketing on facebook. First pay close attention to the profiles of women. Pay attention to who is wearing makeup. How about sending them a private message and complimenting them on their makeup. When they send the thank you back engage in a short conversation about makeup. Try not to let them know what your hidden agenda is. At the closing of your chat, let them know that you sell makeup or that your do facials or both. Don't forget to leave a link. 


Think about people that may need to wear makeup everyday. I'll give you a few: models, cosmetologists, or actors - Your list may be longer but these are a few that I can think of. Do a search on facebook and send them a link to your website. Make sure that you write down the names of all of the people that you send your information to. You may want to send them a link to a special or promotion. 


Using Twitter to Market Your Business


Using Twitter will be easy because you will tweet the information that you posted on facebook. Keep in mind that tweets have to be very short. Twitter will only allow a person to tweet so many characters. I suggest tweeting at least once or twice daily. Your tweet may say, Avon or Mary Kay Makeup deals for a limited time and then include your web address etc... Your tweets should be changed a bit so that the same tweet does not go out each day. Joining platforms like Hootsuite helps business owners manage their post by allowing post to be scheduled. This platform also allows business owners to be able to post on multiple social networks at the same time. This is fast and easy.


Using Youtube to Market Your Business


Remember marketing defined is communicating the value of a product or service. Youtube should be used to recruit a downline and to do product reviews. Some things to include in product reviews: what you are reviewing, how it feels, how it smells, do you like the product, how much does it cost etc... A demonstration of the product should be included in the video. Reviews can be done on one product or on a few products within one video. A link to your website should be included in the description area once your video is uploaded on Youtube. If your aim is to recruit, you should try hard to let people know how the business has changed your life. You will want to make sure you include the details on how anyone can join. Make sure you look and sound your best. Your video should have clear resolution with no background noise. The background should be pleasing to look at and loud enough for people to hear. If you are worried about what to say write it down. Starting a youtube channel is very easy. It's as easy as creating an account or youtube channel. Links to youtube videos can be posted to your social network sites. 


Makeup Marketing Online Can Also be Done Using Blogs


A blog is very similar to a website only it has fresh content resembling a newsletter. A Cosmetic blog can share makeup tips or even how to start a cosmetic business. The content should not be taken from someone else's blog or site. This breaks the law within the online community. As long as the title of the blog pertains to cosmetics then titles are limitless. The ultimate goal is still marketing makeup. A blog should be updated at least three times a week. Links to your cosmetic business should be added to blog post. For example if a person does a blog post on how to apply eye makeup, I would add a link to how they can purchase eye makeup from your site. The blog can also be another medium for doing product reviews if you are just not a person into making videos. I suggest however doing power points or posting numbered pictures that show steps to achieving a look or process.


Well that's all for today! Thanks for visiting! Don't forget to subscribe on my about page. There is more to come! Makeup Marketing Online is an ongoing process. It takes a lot of consistent elbow grease but if the suggestions here are following through the cosmetic direct seller will notice a difference in the growth of their business.


This is copyrighted Material/All rights reserved








Learn How to Place an

Avon Order Here

Learn how to get and share product links from your webstore

Help Topics For New Avon Representatives

If you are not a new rep, this information would probably be review for you. I decided to write this because I remember when I first started my Avon  business I had many questions. I hope this answers some of your questions.


If I am late paying on my order how will this affect me?

Avon charges a late fee. This could affect your credit with Avon. You want to make sure, as soon as clients pay you, that their money is put aside away from your personal money. I've even seen reps lose their selling privileges. 

What do I do if I get my order back and notice that my order is wrong?

I suggest contacting Avon's customer service number asap.

What do I do with expired brochures?

As a rule, I never throw away expired brochures. I never even put dates on my brochures because people can always back order two campaigns. This just means that reps can order products from two campaigns that have already passed. Ask your up line if there are any questions about how to back order. Reps can also do a search within their web store to see if the prices have changed and get back with their client. 

If I am out of brochures, bags, samples, & other Avon supplies, where do I order more?

Visit: Click on sales tools. 

If I just placed an order and someone wants to order, can I place a late order?

Yes, you can place a late order but there will be late fees that will apply.

When I join Avon, can people signup to join my team?

People can join your team. You can start recruiting others as soon as you join Avon

If my credit is not so good, can I still sell Avon?

If you really want to sell Avon, please do not let that frighten you. You can always build your credit with Avon. You may start out with a low credit rating with Avon but you can still sell Avon and earn commissions. I have yet to see Avon turn down anyone. 

How much commission will I earn? 

Below is the earnings chart but don't let the numbers alarm you. You can sell a lot of Avon. Your goal will be to sell as much as you can. There are also non traditional ways to earn money selling Avon that has nothing to do with the chart below. One way would be to purchase products that are on sale and to resale them at regular price. 

here do I pass out brochures?

Every Where!!
Your child's school, the doctor's office, to cashiers, the bank, outings, networking events, family reunions, sporting events, college campus, hair salon, laundromats, hotels, bridal shops, the grocery store, restaurants, movie theatres, parks, bathrooms, dressing rooms, doctor's offices, motels, hotels, bowling alleys, park benches, malls, fitness centers, news paper stand & just about anywhere.

Can I earn money from people signing up to sell Avon under me?

 Yes, you can earn $35.00 checks from anyone that sells $100.00 or more on their first order.

How Can I Earn Money Selling Avon? 

You can earn money by selling to friends and family. You can also do vendor events, Avon parties off and online, & by doing fundraisers. With your free website, you can share your site and products from your site on social media. You can also email your contacts and share with them that you have launched your new Avon business. Share your link within the emails and earn.

Can I put brochures in mailboxes?

No, This is against the law.You can however using the clear Avon bags and hang them on mailboxes or toss them in driveways. 

How do I take orders?

You can give your potential clients order forms. You can also record orders in a spiral notebook and number them. I always as a rule keep my orders in two places just in case I lose the order. I also keep one copy of the brochures that I label my copy so that I can refer back to the brochures as I take or look at clients orders. Always make sure you have their contact information. If you have a question about their order, you can go back over their order with them. 

If you are in need of promotional items for your business, you can join my group Avon Signs, decals, & promotional items here.

If you would like a copy of 100 place's to pass out brochures, send me an email request. My upline sent this to me some time ago.

If you are someone that would like a list of 45 places to leave brochures please send an email request to:

Avon Helpful Numbers


513-551-2866 Customer Service / FastTalk

800-445-2866 Product Information & Numbers/Customer Info. Hotline

888-514-2866  Avon website ( Tech Support (e-rep hotline) 

877-784-5729 Quick Pay Support

888-710-2866 Credit Card Payments 

800-443-2831 Leadership Help Desk

800-894-5496 Fund-Raiser Desk  

888-540-2866 Lost Order Hotline  



Natalie Wood

© 2016 by Victoria Sheffield

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