If you are someone that would like
to start your own business:
With Low Startup
With Free Training
Working From Home
Meeting New People
Earning Extra Money
With Unlimited Earnings
Promoting Products Online
Owning Your Own Website
This just may be the company for you!
Avon, 130 years old is one of the top direct sales companies. Money is earned from this company in a few ways.
1. Online and direct sales from brochures
2. Recruiting others to join your Avon team
3. Some choose to have Avon parties. Avon is not a company that thrives on doing makeovers however this may help generate sales.
4. Money can be earned from referrals and helpers which are people helping representative pass out brochures.
5. Some even benefit tossing brochures much the same way as people do who have a newspaper route.
6. Doing vendor events - doing these events are a great way to sale any stock or products that representatives do not want to return to Avon.
Starting an Avon business is just like any other business. It takes hard work and commitment to make any business grow. Many are earning top dollars at the start of their business because of their hard efforts. Avon is the only source of income for some and many are even earning six figures. If you are a serious individual, I would love to work with you and show you everything I know about the business. To get started visit www.sellavon.com - Make sure you use my reference code: sheffield
A few benefits of joining my team:
You get one-on-one training sessions with me
You get a free electronic copy of my book "Getting Started With Avon"
You get private emails, updates, videos, & rewards for your achievements
You get tons of free printables to help you get started with your business
You get an excellent support system
Start Avon for Onlyl $25 - One Time Fee!
$25 Starter Kit - Bags Included
To join avon visit: www.sellavon.com - make sure you use my reference code: vsheffield - or call/text/email me for an appt. 678/671/8433